We help you build your future
It is, above all, a different way of practicing law and helping to focus and solve legal problems. What we want is to HELP YOU BUILD YOUR FUTURE from our field of action.. The word NERUS derives from the fusion of two different concepts, but at the same time linked. On the one hand, nexus, n that is, interconnectedness and increasingly globalized human relationships demand that communication be intense and efficient. And on the other hand: neuron, the use of human intelligence is key to obtain more logical and adequate solutions to the challenges that we face every day. The addition of these two concepts is the essence of our Firm. We believe that in the world of law there is a great field to INNOVATE and to be able to better help develop new, more advanced projects. We are delighted to address the most challenging and complex legal issues because we always provide a thoroughly prepared solution.
6 reasons to choose NERUS LAYERS
- Because we are dedicated to each client as if it were unique. We care about knowing your business. It is not enough for you to see us sitting behind a table in our office trying to solve your problem. We go to your company to see and understand how it works. We care about knowing the reality in which you move and we spare no efforts of time or time to assist you when you need it. We are working by your side.
- Because we speak in a language that you can easily understand. We want you to feel safe and understand what we do. We know that the legal world is very complicated and we are at your disposal to explain to you thoroughly every step we take in the solution of your problem.
- Because we are prepared to innovate. We like to be next to the companies that are at the frontline. Therefore, in our Firm you will find lawyers who can help you in your business anywhere in the world, because we know in depth international trade and, in addition, we speak several languages, including Chinese. We also work in the legal field of totally new areas such as robotics or blockchain.
- Because we have great experience. Our main partners are lawyers with a long professional career of more than 20 years and who have a recognized prestige within the profession. They are personally involved in all the actions of the Firm, dealing directly and personally with all customers.
- Because we are pioneers in international legal advice. We have created IURISGAL I.N.O.L.F. the first and only International Network of Lawyers with presence in the five continents that has the Spanish language as the official communication language. If we have been able to do something so novel and different, we are sure that we are prepared to meet legal needs safely and effectively.
- Because we have competitive costs. The Dispatch’s fees policy is transparent, so that the client knows how much our services cost at any given time.

We explain how ...
NERUS LAYERS develops its activity based on the more than two decades of professional experience of its main partners, offering specialized solutions to help companies build their future. We want to evolve alongside our client and achieve goals together. For this we have a highly qualified and constantly evolving team of people who advise and help with the problems that companies face every day, be they start-ups or consolidated companies.
We know that every business decision has legal implications, so we are ready to provide the necessary advice at any time to adopt them.
We firmly believe in the preventive work of the legal area, which manages to avoid, in many cases, having to resort to judicial protection. The truth is that few of our clients have needed to go to court to obtain their rights.
Find out more ...
Si tienes un problema legal o judicial en Irlanda podemos ayudarte a resolverlo en español.
Para empezar te informamos que nuestros abogados llevan más de 25 años asesorando en cuestiones internacionales y que hace más de 10 creamos IURISGAL I.N.O.L.F., la primera y única Red Internacional de Abogados con presencia en los cinco continentes que tiene el idioma español como lengua de comunicación oficial.
Sabemos perfectamente que las cuestiones jurídicas en otros países son siempre diferentes a las que estamos acostumbrados a ver en el nuestro. Y esto se complica mucho más cuando tu problema es en un sitio que tiene un idioma distinto y un sistema jurídico que se rige por el “Common Law”, que es sustancialmente diferente al derecho español.
Este es el caso de Irlanda, que a pesar de pertenecer a la UE tiene normas sustancialmente distintas. Nosotros podemos explicártelas de forma sencilla, ayudarte a solucionar tu problema legal y además hacerlo en el idioma español. Para poder ofrecer este servicio, disponemos de abogados y profesionales jurídicos que trabajan conjuntamente en España e Irlanda y que se expresan en los dos idiomas.
Trabajamos tanto para personas físicas como para empresas en múltiples campos de actuación. Ayudamos también a otros abogados y despachos españoles a solventar los problemas de sus clientes en este país.
Con sedes en los dos países, podemos atender cualquier problema jurídico o judicial y en concreto:
– Operaciones inmobiliarias y propiedades.
– Derecho mercantil y societario.
– Fundaciones.
– Poderes a abogados.
– Asistencia ante Jueces y Tribunales. Litigación.
– Derecho penal.
– Derecho civil
– Herencias y sucesiones.
– Inmigración.
En Irlanda contamos con importantes profesionales jurídicos vinculados a nuestra firma. Entre ellos destaca TomMcGrath, “Of Counsel” de nuestro Despacho, jurista y notario público de gran prestigio en este país que habla perfectamente español. Conjutamente, a través de la Red Internacional de abogados IURISGAL INOLF, estamos vinculados a uno de los Despachos irladeses más conocidos, “Holohan Law”.
Llámanos al 981308603 o envíanos un correo electrónico a juliangesmoris@iurisgal.com y te atenderemos sin compromiso.