Nerus Abogados has extensive experience of over 20 years advising the various actors involved in the banking sector, allowing us to provide effective and rapid responses, but especially solvents, any question on this subject.
Specifically, we can guide our clients in:
- Advice on general banking operations recruitment and financial institutions, drafting of contracts in this area.
- Legal advice Project finance operations.
- Consulting operations unique bank financing, whether syndicated structured, qualifications and guarantees of all kinds.
- Design of ships and aircraft financing.
- Design refinancing operations and debt restructuring.
- Advice on private funding and patronage and crowdfunding or crowdlending.
- Advising government on financial legislation.
- Operations linked to the stock market and capital markets.
- Debt collection services to Spanish courts.
- Debt collection services in foreign courts.
- Claims against financial institutions.