Eva González Fernández

Eva González Fernández

Professional activity and specialties

Lawyer expert in commercial and international law. Lawyer since July of 2013, although previously in the 2010 year, she had started her professional activity as a fellow in Garrigues.

Academic and complementary education

Bachelor of Law (2004-2009) by the Faculty of Law of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). “Specialist in Advocacy, Attorney’s Office and Legal Practice of the School of Legal Practice of Santiago de Compostela”. (2011-2013) Master in mediation by the Faculty of Law of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) (2011).


Honorable mention in the Excellence Awards of the Mutuality Foundation of the Legal Profession for the work “The collaborative lawyer”. 2014

Associate lawyer at the Bar Association of A Coruña.