Nerus Abogados confers special importance to the protection of the USERS ‘data on the services accessed through its website. Through this Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the Policy) Nerus Abogados informs USERS of the website: of the treatment and uses to which the personal data collected on the website is submitted, in order to that they decide, freely and voluntarily, if they wish to provide the requested information.
In compliance with the LOPD, you are informed that the personal data that, if applicable, you provide will be treated confidentially and for the purposes of the website. We also inform that said data will become part of the personal data files owned by Nerus Abogados, duly registered in the General Registry of Data Protection.
Nerus Abogados reserves the right to modify this Policy in order to adapt it to new legislation, jurisprudential criteria, practices of the sector, or interests of the entity. Any modification in the same will be announced with the due advance, so that you have perfect knowledge of its content.
The data collected through the web will only be transferred in those cases in which the USER is expressly informed of it.
In order that the data in our databases always correspond to your real situation, you should keep them updated, or update them directly in the case where this is possible or by communicating it to the corresponding department.
Nerus Abogados has adopted in its information system the technical and organizational measures legally required, in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the stored data, thus avoiding, as far as possible, its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access. .
The provider ensures the user in any case the exercise of rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, in the terms provided in the legislation. Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law 15 / 1999, Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) may exercise their rights by sending a specific request, along with a copy of your ID card through the following means:
- E-Mail:
- Postal Postal: C / General Pardiñas No. 22 1º CP 15701 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
Similarly, the user can unsubscribe from any of the subscription services provided by clicking the unsubscribe section of all emails sent by the provider.
Similarly, the provider has taken all technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and integrity of personal data that addresses measures and to prevent loss, alteration and / or access by unauthorized third parties.
The provider on its own account or that of a third party contracted for the provision of measurement services, may use cookies when a user browses the website. Cookies are files sent to the browser through a web server in order to record the user’s activities during their browsing time.
The cookies used by the website are only associated with an anonymous user and their computer, and do not provide the user’s personal data by themselves.
Through the use of cookies it is possible that the server where the website is located, recognizes the web browser used by the user in order to make browsing easier, allowing, for example, access to users who have registered previously, access to the areas, services, promotions or contests reserved exclusively for them without having to register for each visit. They are also used to measure the audience and traffic parameters, monitor the progress and number of entries.
The user has the possibility to configure his browser to be notified of the reception of cookies and to prevent its installation on his computer. Please consult the instructions and manuals of your browser to expand this information.
To use the website, it is not necessary for the user to allow the installation of cookies sent by the website, or the third party acting on their behalf, without prejudice to the need for the user to initiate a session as such in each one of the services whose service requires the previous registration or “login”.
The cookies used on this website are, in any case, temporary in nature with the sole purpose of making their subsequent transmission more efficient. Under no circumstances will cookies be used to collect personal information.
Nerus Abogados, as the author of collective work, or benefits of any nature, is the owner of the intellectual and industrial property rights of the Website, and also owns or has the corresponding license on the rights of intellectual, industrial and image property. about all the contents available through it.
In no case shall it be understood that the User’s access and navigation implies a waiver, transmission, license or total or partial cession of said rights by Nerus Abogados.
Consequently, it is not allowed to delete, avoid or manipulate the copyright notice (“copyright”) and any other data identifying the rights of Nerus Abogados, or its owners incorporated into the contents.
Likewise, it is forbidden to modify, copy, reuse, exploit, reproduce, publicly communicate, make second or subsequent publications, upload files, send by mail, transmit, use treat or distribute in any way all or part of the contents included in the Website, if you do not have the express written authorization of Nerus Abogados or, where appropriate, the owner of the corresponding rights.
In case you are interested in an authorization or license to use the contents of the Website in any way, please go to
The Spanish Law and the Spanish Courts shall be subject to the matters referred to above.
For any type of dispute arising from the contents of the portal, the parties submit to the courts that are competent in accordance with current legislation